When it comes to renovations or building a new office in the Tampa area, certain choices can be highly beneficial. Choosing commercial LED lighting provides businesses with a more effective alternative to traditional bulbs. While not often known, traditional options can release harmful ultra-violet radiation. A point of debate is how much radiation specific bulbs can emit. Conventional incandescent bulbs are some of the less efficient kinds available. Regular fluorescent types can release much more radiation than their compact counterparts. If you are inside a building all day, then lights can also have a damaging effect on you and other employees. UV emissions from these lights may slowly damage eyes, leading to macular degeneration. Excessive exposure can also result in eye strain and difficulties focusing. To avoid this, invest in higher-quality alternatives like Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs).

Options like Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) use less energy and have a lower potential for emissions. However, newer studies detailing their emissions found that they still are not safer than commercial LED lighting. A study from Stony Brook University in New York found that seepage was still apparent in newer CFL lights. CFLs also use more energy compared to the alternatives. With help from ECO Energy Management, Tampa businesses can upgrade their building and save on replacements. Commercial LED lighting is safer and can reduce certain discomforts from UV emissions.

Potential Hazards of Older Bulbs

There are often misunderstandings as to what ultra-violet does. While UV will most likely not cause cancer, it can raise the risk and damage skin cells. Some researchers point to the design of CFLs as potentially more damaging. The twists and turns provide more surface area, which deteriorates the protective phosphorus coating. Without this coating, UV radiation can easily leak through old bulbs. Tampa businesses can also improve productivity by updating their lighting. Those with chronic skin conditions can suffer discomfort and increasing symptoms under CFLs or incandescents.

Benefits of Investing in Commercial LED Lighting

Many buyers may wonder what the differences between commercial LED lighting and residential options are. Commercial services offer larger company buildings with high-grade and longer-lasting designs. Significant differences between commercial and residential options arise when you look into components. Unlike incandescent varieties, Light-Emitting Diodes use unique elements. The parts include a heatsink and hold, electronic chip, lens, and driver. By using better components, Tampa customers benefit from:

  • Longer-lasting bulbs
  • Better light quality
  • Energy efficient solutions

Get Longer-Lasting Bulbs

Many builders and designers no longer want to use incandescent because of their quality. The issue many Tampa building managers will notice is that other options do not last nearly as long. Also, commercial LED lighting is more physically durable. To avoid constant trips, incandescent users will have to keep dozens of back-ups at hand. Besides taking up necessary storage space, other bulbs and rods are much weaker than Light-Emitting Diodes. They can break easily during extended storage periods and increase replacement costs.

Better Light Quality

A quality factor that many Tampa business may not take into account is noise pollution. Older CFLs and incandescents can emit a noticeable hum and flicker. Issues like humming can be incredibly distracting and point towards deteriorating equipment. Gas in fluorescent tubes can also take time warming up, which results in persistent flickering or dim output.

Energy Efficient Solutions

While CFLs can last years, they will also take nearly twice the amount of energy to run. Lumens measure the amount of brightness coming from a source. By measuring the energy usage and lumens output, Tampa businesses will notice a massive difference. The more bulbs you need and the longer you use them, the more you lose, depending on your choice. Commercial LED lighting is nearly twice as energy efficient as CFLs and over four times as efficient as incandescents.

Save and Improve Your Building Lighting at ECO Energy Management

Whether you want to save on costs or improve indoor colors and illumination, commercial LED lighting can benefit your building. The lifespan of fluorescent options means that you will need nearly five replacements to match one LED. To avoid the hassle and issues of traditional lighting, contact ECO Energy Management today at (727) 444-4414 or by going online.