A common question a buyer may have when transitioning to light-emitting diodes is, “are LED lights dangerous?” The simple answer is no. When comparing light-emitting diodes to other forms of light, it quickly becomes apparent that it is much safer and potentially beneficial to your health. 

Protection From UV Radiation 

Different types of bulbs produce ultra-violet (UV) radiation. Research has shown that overexposure to UV rays can raise your risk for cancer, cataracts, and agitates skin conditions. Besides the potential health benefits, LED lights:

  • Cannot Explode
  • Produce much less carbon
  • Reduce the chance of injury

LED’s Cannot Explode

If you were expecting a pop and glass shattering when an LED short circuits, then you’ll be glad to know they do not explode like traditional bulbs. Short circuits can occur regardless of the bulb, but only conventional lights that rely on gas burst. Incandescents and compact fluorescent lamps work by surrounding a conductive filament with nitrogen gas or argon. The gas is what stops your filament from quickly burning out. However, heat can build up and increase the likelihood it will fail prematurely or shatter. LED lights may pop and produce smoke but do not shatter because there is no gas to pressurize.

Low Carbon Emissions

Besides not being dangerous for humans, light-emitting diodes are also better for the environment. Reducing energy waste is also necessary to reduce carbon emissions. Rising emissions can contribute to environmental changes that impact particular species and plants. Increasing carbon levels threaten Even delicious treats like chocolate and coffee. LEDs produce much less carbon than other types of lamps. Researchers estimate that levels of carbon were down 570 million tons in 2017 alone.

The Following Are All Adjustable 

  • Color Temperature
  • Hue
  • Brightness

Reduce Chance of Injury

Shards of glass can lead to significant injuries if pieces can enter the eye. Florescent lights also use other hazardous chemicals and elements like mercury. A study from 2011 found that workers who handle fluorescent lamps shown symptoms of mercury poisoning personality changes and tremors. Commercial properties can avoid having employees handle these dangerous chemicals by investing in commercial LED services.

Other Advantages Of LED Lights

LED lights have a much longer lifespan than typical bulbs; they have a lifetime rate of 500,000 hours. This is twenty five times the amount of time the second leading bulb would stay alive. Not to mention they don’t require any maintenance and you can save money on energy bills. LEDs need less energy than standard lights to shine so they won’t have to work as hard to power themselves and, in turn, jack up your energy bill.

Furthermore, in commercial places like car garages, they’re super beneficial because of the way they distribute light. They spread light evenly rather than just one spot. This will make everyone feel safer and drive better. 

Contact Us!

Why waste time replacing lamps multiple times a year when you can upgrade to LEDs? At ECO Energy Management, we provide clients with affordable pricing and high-quality lights that are built to last. You can learn more about pricing services by going to visit ECO Energy Management online or calling (727) 444-4414 today.