More people across the world are switching from conventional lights to LED bulbs. However, some people aren’t convinced. In reality, while making the switch may seem intimidating, in the end, LEDs are the superior lighting choice for commercial and residential use. Clearwater residents preparing to switch should keep the following in mind:

You’ll Save Money and Energy by Switching to LED Bulbs

The main draw of LED bulbs is that they are major savers of both energy and money. Regular lights convert electricity into 90% heat and 10% light, while LEDs convert 90% of the electricity to light. This reduces cooling costs, which is important in a warm climate like Clearwater.

Don’t Let the Upfront Cost Deter You

Initially, LED bulbs cost more than incandescent or fluorescent lights. This is because the technology is newer. However, like other kinds of technology, it is getting less expensive as time goes on and the costs associated with the newer tech drop. Therefore, this energy-saving option will become more and more affordable for home and business owners throughout Clearwater. While the upfront cost is higher, the energy savings alone will prove worth the expense.

On average, LEDs save money because they last far longer than other lights. This includes halogens, floodlights, and more. While incandescent last about 1,000 hours and fluorescents last around 8,000 to 10,000 hours, LEDs can last 30,000 to 50,000 hours. The supply cost plus energy savings mean that the eco-friendly choice is the budget-friendly choice as well.

Retrofitting is Easier Than You Might Think

For larger, commercial properties, retrofitting street lights, parking lot/garage lights is simple. As long as the fixtures are in good condition, Eco Energy Management has the products to retrofit your current implements instead of throwing them out and getting new ones. This not only speeds up the replacement process, but you won’t be wasting more resources and creating waste.

You Can Get an Energy Analysis

At Eco Energy Management, in addition to our many energy-saving options, we also offer energy analyses for homes and businesses in the Clearwater area. These analyses can help clients find out what costs, savings, and ROI (Return on Investment) they can expect when they switch to LED bulbs. For most businesses, the ROI for switching is less than two years.

Choose Eco Energy Management in Tampa Bay

If you are looking to make the switch to LED bulbs, for residential or commercial use, choose Eco Energy Management. We help Clearwater and other Tampa Bay area clients save money and energy with ease. Contact us today at (727) 444-4414 or reach out to us online to discuss our services.